Saturday, March 14, 2020


Che Ernesto "Che"  Guevara (1928-1967) Ernesto Guevara got his nickname "che" from Fidel Castro when the were at the hight of the cuban revolution together it means "chum"  or "buddy" . He was an avarage citazin who loved politics but always thought and average person cannot change the world. He suffered from severe asthma that always held him back from the sports he loved like soccer, and thought if he was a doctor he could at least change that so he decided to go to school and study medicine to find a cure for his terrible asthma. After he had finnally completed school (some time later) he was able to see how badly his people were held down by the political powers of the world. He met fidel Castros brother (pidro) on one of his two or thhree week excursions he loved to go on and they made plans to take the power the so rightly deserved, and as soon as he was released from jail he met the man who hadf the same views as him Fidel Castro they joined forces in Mexico in 1954.Ra ul Castro, left, with has his arm around second-...